5 Rotation Exercises Every Workout Routine Needs

Rotational exercises are a fundamental aspect of functional fitness, often overlooked in traditional workout routines. These exercises involve movements that rotate the torso, hips, or limbs around a central axis, mimicking natural motions like twisting, turning, and pivoting that we use in daily activities and sports. Incorporating rotational exercises into your fitness regimen can improve … Read more

4 Week Kettlebell Transformation Workout

Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, burn fat, or improve overall fitness, kettlebells are designed to deliver a dynamic approach to full-body strength and conditioning. This 4 week kettlebell transformation workout utilizes a single piece of equipment that allows you to streamline your training and focus on efficiency, progress, and results. With this 4-week progressive … Read more

Ross Edgley’s Yukon Swim Smashed The Longest Swim Record

Endurance athlete Ross Edgley has now been officially ratified by both Guinness World Records and the World Openwater Swimming Association for achieving ‘The Longest Distance Assisted Adventure Swim’ thanks to a monumental effort that saw him travel down the Yukon river in June, 2024. His latest accomplishment is the result of a challenging prep process, … Read more