BPSC 69th CCE Mains result out on bpsc.bih.nic.in, direct link and details here


Sep 01, 2024 08:32 AM IST

Candidates who have appeared for the test can check their results on bpsc.bih.nic.in using roll numbers.

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has announced the results of the Integrated 69th Combined Competitive Mains Examination. Candidates who have appeared for the test can check their results on bpsc.bih.nic.in using roll numbers.

BPSC 69th CCE Mains result announced on bpsc.bih.nic.in(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
BPSC 69th CCE Mains result announced on bpsc.bih.nic.in(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The BPSC 69th CCE Mains examination was held from January 3 to 5 and from January 20 to 21. The examination took place in Patna.

Also read: BPSC TRE 3 answer key out for Class 1-5 General Studies paper, direct link here

The commission has informed that 3,444 candidates appeared for the Mains examination, of whom 1,005 have qualified. Their roll numbers have been published by the commission.

BPSC 69th CCE Mains result 2024: Direct link.

The commission further informed that as many as 913 candidates took the examination for Finance Administrative Officer and equivalent posts. Of them, 262 have qualified. Here’s the direct link to check it.

For the Deputy Superintendent of Pollice post, 30 candidates wrote the BPSC CCE Mains examination and one candidate qualified. Check the result here.

For the Child Development Project Officer, as many as 93 candidates attended the examination and 27 candidates have qualified for the interview round. Here’s the result link.

Interview dates for the 69th CCE will be announced later, the commission said.

How to check BPSC 69th CCE Mains result?

  1. Go to bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  2. Open the Integrated 69th CCE Mains result link given on the home page.
  3. A PDF containing the roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates will open.
  4. Check your selection status using the Mains examination roll number.

The BPSC conducted the preliminary examination under the 69th Integrated CCE on September 30, 2023 from 12 pm to 2 pm. The provisional answer key was released on October 6 and the second provisional answer key was issued on 17, 2023. The final answer key was released on October 28 and the result was announced on November 11.

The recruitment examination is for 475 vacancies in various Bihar government departments.


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