This year, in the overall category, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur ranked sixth.Additionally, in the engineering category, IIT Kanpur secured the fourth rank, seventh in the research category, and fifth in the innovation category.
Naturally, many students aspire to pursue their higher education at IIT Kanpur. However, gaining admission to this prestigious institute is challenging and costly, with first-year fees for several courses ranging between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 3 lakh (approximately). To support students, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur offers a variety of scholarships.
IIT Kanpur’s Scholarship Programmes
Merit-cum-Means Scholarship:This scholarship provides a full tuition waiver and a monthly pocket allowance of Rs 1,000 for the duration of the program. As this is a merit-cum-means scholarship, students must maintain a minimum CPI of 6.5. However, if the CPI falls below 6.5 but remains above 6.0, the pocket allowance is withdrawn. To apply for this scholarship, students only need to submit their parental income certificate. This scholarship is available to students from categories other than SC/ST, with an annual parental income of less than Rs 4.5 lakh.
INSPIRE Scholarship: This scholarship offers an annual scholarship of Rs 30,000 per semester, along with a research grant of Rs 20,000. It is available to students in the BS programs who are within the AIR 10,000 as per the CML in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics departments. This is also a merit-based scholarship, requiring students to maintain a minimum CPI of 6.0.
Free Basic Mess Scholarship:This scholarship is available to SC/ST students with an annual parental income of less than Rs 4.5 lakh. It covers the basic mess bill and provides a pocket allowance.
Donor Scholarship: The institute awards 129 scholarships to meritorious and needy students. According to the official website, the eligibility criteria for this scholarship are as follows:
- A student should have a CPI of 6.0 or higher and a total family annual income of less than Rs 6 lakh. After the first round of Donor Scholarships is awarded, the means criteria may be relaxed.
- A donor scholarship intended for students of a particular year in specific department(s) may be opened to other students in the following order: (i) students across all years within the same department(s), (ii) students of the particular year across all departments, and (iii) students across all years across all departments.
- A donor scholarship intended for students of all years in a specific department may be opened to students across all years and departments.
- If a donor scholarship goes unawarded in an academic year, the scholarship amount available in the next academic year doubles. Therefore, this scholarship may be awarded to two students in the next academic year, if available, using prevailing guidelines.
Sports Scholarships:A maximum of 20 scholarships per year, amounting to Rs 1,000 per month for 9 months, are awarded to IIT Kanpur students who demonstrate leadership in sports-related activities on campus, contributing to the development, growth, and increased participation in various sporting activities.
For more information on scholarships, students can click on this link.
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